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A couple of statements about spiritual maturity that will mess with you Part -1

We live in a day and age where there are tons of competing voices even to the point of white noise in the Christian World. Through all the noise I heard a clear voice express some fresh and compelling ideas about spirituality that I thought I’d toss out there for you to chew on. These thoughts are based on a talk I heard Larry Osborne, Pastor of North Coast Church in California, give last week and are expounded upon further in his book, “Spirituality for the Rest of Us.”


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Posted in Leadership, Spiritual Formation


are you avoiding reality?

You’ve heard it said before, “The number one job of leadership is to define reality.” Unfortunately we’ve seen over and over again in recent years both companies and one high profile personality after another end in ruin as a result of losing touch with reality. Somewhere along the way these companies and personalities start to believe their press clippings, stop listening to the right voices, and ultimately reality becomes lost in a haze.

So how do you know if you are dealing with the brutal facts of your current reality? You may not be dealing with the brutal facts if you:

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Posted in Leadership, Staffing


Why Church Staff Change Churches

This week I’m excited to be starting a new job on the Executive and Teaching Teams at Sun Valley Community Church and because I’m going through this job transition I thought I’d repost this post on Staffing from the archives about why Church Staff change churches. And while this isn’t an exhaustive list, I think it’s a great place to start. So in no particular order, here is my top 10 list of “Why Church Staff Change Churches:”



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Posted in Leadership, Staffing


I’m starting a new job!

I’m excited to announce that I have recently accepted an invitation from Sun Valley Community Church to join their Executive and Teaching Teams. So that means the Alexander Family is officially moving back to Arizona!



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Posted in Family, Leadership


7 qualities of a leader i’ll follow

Like you, I’ve had the opportunity to be around some great leaders, and then again some not so great leaders. What I’ve found is the longer I go the less inclined I am to follow just anyone, even if the “leader-label” has been attached to them somewhere along the line. So what am I looking for in someone that I’m willing to follow? Check out the list below and you may discover that you just might be the kind of person that I’d follow!

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Posted in Leadership