4 principles that should shape your volunteer philosophy

If you’re on staff at a church your job is essentially to be a volunteer specialist.

And while volumes have been written on building and leading volunteer organizations, below are four simple (while not easy) principles that should be at the foundation of your philosophy of volunteerism.


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Posted in Volunteers


execution: the art of getting things done

One of the core competencies of leadership is to dream a preferred future. For most leaders dreaming is something that comes natural to them. They’re wired up to push towards the future and bring people with them. After all leadership is all about change…moving from here to there. The majority of leaders and churches don’t struggle with dreaming about the future. That’s not typically where we get bogged down. Where most churches begin to lose traction is actually taking real steps to make the vision happen…execution. After all who cares if you can dream, if you can’t get it done? Execution is the key.

Below are three simple ways to approach execution:

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Posted in Leadership


Winning at ministry & losing at home?

Ministry is tough. Being married and in ministry can be daunting. That’s why I’m involved in Encourage. Encourage is a one day training event designed for ministry leaders and their spouses. The day will highlight the vital importance of the spiritual, physical and emotional health of the ministry leader. Unlike other ministry training events and conferences this day isn’t built to give you new ministry tools, inspire you to grow the church you’re leading, or broaden your vision of what God could do through you to make a greater ministry impact in the world. This day is built to help you win at home…sadly a place that many ministry leaders are losing. Don’t miss learning with your spouse from ministry leaders who know what it takes to win at home. Investing in your marriage may be the best step you ever take towards changing not only our marriage, but also the world.

For more information or to register go to click here

Date: Wednesday, February 1, 2012 (from 9:00-2:30)

Cost: $29.00 per couple (lunch and childcare are provided)

Location: Sun Valley Community Church, Gilbert Campus

Posted in Family, Leadership, Staffing


are you talking at people or with them?

Typically churches are 1.0, we thrive at telling people what to do. Teaching is usually the trump card we play to solve people’s problems. Got a problem in your marriage, parenting, finances, or career? Having a hard time following Jesus? The church’s answer? Come to this teaching series, take this class, go to this seminar. Content, content, and yes, more content. What if church was meant to be 2.0, a conversation? I think we get this intuitively but have a hard time breaking the habit of telling. 1.0 can be a nasty and difficult rut to get out of. Recently we did a “text series” at Sun Valley where we invited people to text in their questions and we had a real-time conversation about real questions that people were asking about life, the Bible, and following Jesus. Instead of simply sitting and listening, people were engaged and active participants in the service.

And by the way, we kept and categorized every question that was texted in, even if we couldn’t get to it live during the service. Sometimes churches are guilty of answering questions that people aren’t asking. We’ve found that this not only sets up great conversations but also provides the teaching team insight and content to consider for future teaching series. Here’s the video bumper that we built and used for the series, check it out!

Posted in Leadership


final destination

What happens when we die? Will we know our loved ones in heaven? Do we become angels? What about ghosts? Can the dead see us? What does the Bible really say about heaven, hell and our Final Destination? This weekdend we’re beginning a 6 week series on all three Sun Valley Campuses unpacking what the Bible teaches about what happens after we die. If you’re in the Phoenix Valley don’t miss it!

[vimeo http://vimeo.com/34747801]

Posted in Creative Arts, Spiritual Formation