Tag Archive - influence


the table of influence

“The right people at the table can change everything for you.”

The Scriptures would say it this way:

“Become wise by walking with the wise; hang out with fools and watch your life fall to pieces.” Proverbs 13:20 MSG

The bottom line is you become who you hang out with. Successful people know this and are intentional about it. Successful people know how to identify the right people to invite to their table, they are open to their instruction, and they are genuinely willing to adapt. This practical eBook will help you:

  1. Explore the need for a table of influence
  2. Learn how to identify people of influence
  3. Discover eleven types of people to invite to your table
  4. Define the terms of engagement
  5. Know what to do with what you learn along the way

Recently I had the opportunity to sit down with Jason Young and discuss his new book, “The Table of Influence: What Successful People Know That You Should Too” Continue reading below to check out the interview:

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