Tag Archive - sun valley community church


4 steps to effective vision casting

An old Japanese proverb says, “Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.” Many churches are stuck not because they don’t have a dream or a vision, but rather because they don’t know how to break that dream down into tangible implementable steps that build culture and drive the church towards a preferred future. Then when stuckness begins to settle in, the leaders in the room start doing what they are wired to do, they lead. But when there is no clearly articulated unifying vision all of those leaders leading the direction that they think is best turns into a nightmare in a hurry. Below are 4 steps you can take to be more effective in casting vision and avoid that nightmare scenario:

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Posted in Leadership


managing the tension between marriage and ministry part-2

Some time ago we set aside a Staff Training Day at Sun Valley Community Church and invited a couple of area churches together to invest in our Staff and their spouses. If you haven’t noticed lately the statistics are telling us that leaders in ministry are checking out every day on their families and their ministry. Any quick Google Search on “Pastors leaving Ministry” will give you loads of information and statistics on the subject. I managed to grab the .mp3 files of a couple of talks for you from that day. Here they are for FREE! If you missed the first two sessions I posted the other day you can get them here

Session #3
A panel discussion of seasoned ministry leaders and their spouses, regarding marriage and ministry.
Scott Ridout, Tom Shrader, Lee Wiggins, Randy Deal, Justin Anderson

Download the third session (right click and “save as…”)

Session #4
Chad Moore, Lead Pastor of Sun Valley Community Church
The story of his wife’s affair and the journey towards reconciliation and healing.

Download the fourth session (right click and “save as…”)


Posted in Family, Leadership


“it’s my pleasure”

A couple of weeks ago we had the opportunity to have a couple of Operators from Chic-fil-A spend a half day training the Staff from all three Sun Valley Campuses on what they’re best at, customer service. When it comes to great customer service there are a few companies that consistently come to mind Southwest Airlines, Disney, Nordstrom’s, and of course Chic-fil-A. While I’ve always thought the Church should be hitting it out of the park on this one (after all it sounds an awful lot like Philippians 2), until we do I’m content to learn from the best. So here are some of my notes and thoughts from my time with the guys at Chic-fil-A.


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Posted in Leadership, Volunteers


a fathers day interview with my dad


He’ll be the first person to tell you that he wasn’t a perfect Father, but he left his sons something that most Dads never leave behind. He left a legacy that’s worth repeating. From a long line of abusive alcoholics my Dad, a first generation Christ-follower, changed his legacy. This past weekend I had the opportunity to have the most influential man in my life on stage with me at Sun Valley Community Church for an interview, and it made for the best Father’s Day of my life.

Posted in Creative Arts, Family, Spiritual Formation


life on the run

What if Dr. Seuss told the story of Jonah? It might sound a little bit like this…

The Lord’s word to Jonah came quite unexpected:
“Go down to Nineveh. You’ve been elected.”

But he didn’t go. Instead he ran right away.
Listen up, don’t you mimic. It will ruin your day!

Cause, you can’t run away from the Lord. Jonah knew it.
In this series we will find out what occurs when you do it!

So proud of the work that the Creative Arts Team at Sun Valley Community Church is doing!

Posted in Creative Arts
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