[Free Webinar] The Unstuck Church: Why Churches Grow, Thrive, Decline & Die

We’re less than a week away from the in-store date for the new book, The Unstuck Church by Tony Morgan. If you haven’t already checked out the pre-order perks, there are just a couple of more days to get those extras.

Most churches start, grow, thrive, decline and eventually end, but we believe God’s plan for our churches is that they grow in maturity towards a peak of sustained health.

Do you know where your church is today in its life cycle?

On Thursday, May 25, Tony Morgan, Amy Anderson and Gabe Kolstad will host a free, live webinar to help you answer questions like:

  • Do all churches hit all phases of the life cycle?
  • Where do growing churches typically get stuck moving toward sustained health?
  • What does sustained health look like?
  • What are the early warning signs a church has entered the maintenance season and started to decline?
  • How can we confirm what phase our church is in today?

Space is limited and filling up! Register now to join us.

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