The Difference between Politics and Leadership

If you’ve ever served on a church staff team, if you’ve ever volunteered at a high level in a church, or frankly if you’ve just simply been around church-world for a while you know that churches can be very political. I don’t mean political in the sense of Republican or Democrat, although some churches go down that road too. I mean political in the sense that if you want to get something done it’s all about who you know, who you align yourself with, or what you can offer others in exchange for their support. In short, church politics can be damaging to people in the church, the perception that people outside the church have of Jesus and His followers, and to the mission of Jesus to reconcile the people of the planet to the purposes of God.


Key Word = Confrontation
Leaders confront reality and the status qua with a picture of what should be and a preferred future. They courageously make difficult decisions and are willing to suffer loss for the sake of the mission. Leadership is motivated by what’s best for the organization, not what’s best for an individual or even the leader themselves.


Key Work = Manipulation
People who play politics are motivated by selfish ambition, seeing their dreams come true and advancing their position or status. They want something from people, not for them. Because they lack the experience, character, or gifting to lead; the only tactic they’re left with to get where they want to go is manipulation.

Photo Credit: Vox Efx via Compfight cc

Posted in Leadership

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