Tag Archive - leadership


Leadership Summit 2015: Brene Brown

If you missed the Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit this year, no worries I’ve got you covered. I’ll be posting my notes and thoughts from each presenter over the next couple of days.

Dr. Brene Brown, research professor at the University of Houston and best selling author delivered a fantastic talk on the power of rising strong! Her 2010 TEDx Houston talk, The Power of Vulnerability, is one of the top five most viewed TED talks in the world with more than 18 million views!

  • #1 Shame issue for women = body
  • #1 Shame issue for men = appearance of being weak
  • #1 Perpetrator of shame for men = women
  • The Pathway to love, joy etc. = more vulnerability
  • The “Middle Space” = too far in to turn around but you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel yet.
  • What you do in the middle space matters.
  • No matter how many times you lead through the middle space in your journey it’s always difficult and lonely.

The Reckoning:

  • I’ve never met a great leader who wasn’t comfortable with discomfort.
  • Great leaders have absolute emotional awareness about themselves and others around them.
  • We are emotional beings that sometimes think.
  • Emotion drives behavior.

The Rumble:

  • Do you celebrate the truth in your culture?
  • Leaders rumble with what’s true & hard.
  • As leaders you can choose comfort or courage, but you can’t choose both.

The Revolution:

  • Courage is uncomfortable, that’s why it’s rare.
  • The bravest among us will always be the most broken hearted because they had the courage to love.
  • If you are brave enough, often enough, you will fail.
  • Are you willing to know heartbreak because you know how to bet back up?

Posted in Leadership


Leadership Summit 2015: Ed Catmull

If you missed the Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit this year, no worries I’ve got you covered. I’ll be posting my notes and thoughts from each presenter over the next couple of days.

Ed Catmull, Co-Founder of Pixar Animation Studios and President of Walt Disney Animation Studios, delivered a fantastic talk on creativity and leadership!

  • One of the great misunderstandings of our time is that art and science are in-congruent.
  • Art is not about drawing but learning to see.
  • It all comes down to the power of a story.
  • Great animation connected to a bad story makes for a bad film.
  • Stories are the way we communicate with each other at every level.
  • The good stories are the ones that connect with deep emotions.
  • Every great film starts as an ugly baby…if every idea was great we’d be done…
  • How do we help people improve ideas?
  • If there is laughter in the room they’ll solve the problem no matter how ugly it is right now.

The Brain trust

  1. Peers talking to peers
  2. In that room there is no power structure
  3. They have a vested interest in each others success (the vested interest is in the film being right)
  4. Give and listen to good notes (evaluation)
  • Every once in a while we violate our own rules/culture but every once in a while magic happens. Egos fade away and fantastic work takes place.
  • When you are working on something and you’re in the middle of it, you can’t help but lose objectivity.
  • Creativity is about solving problems. Coming up with solutions is a creative act.
  • The group and their culture determines if they are going to solve the problem.
  • Embrace candor with kindness.
  • There is a real aura of danger around failure in our culture…that fear of failure has become a lid to creativity.
  • What are the barriers to telling each other the truth? (Candor with kindness)…fear.
  • If you can get past the embarrassment of failure it can free you up to be more creative.
  • All good artists know you have to operate within constraints otherwise it’s unbounded.
  • Budgets and schedules allow you to focus creative energy on the right things.
  • If you spend too much time on it, it can lose it’s impact…don’t get lost in the detail.
  • Stating and agreeing to values is easy to do, the hard part is to ask yourself why you’re not living up to them.
  • Trust is something everybody agrees to but hard to do…it takes time, you’ve got to earn it.

Posted in Leadership


Leadership Summit 2015: Jim Collins

If you missed the Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit this year, no worries I’ve got you covered. I’ll be posting my notes and thoughts from each presenter over the next couple of days.

Jim Collins, a Summit favorite, delivered 7 Questions he learned to ask from West Point.

  • Bonus: you never stop being a “young leader”

1: What causes you to serve?

  • If you have a charismatic cause you do not need to be a charismatic leader,
  • Level 5 Leaders are ambitions and fully committed. They are serving, humble leaders.

2: Will you settle to for being a a good leader or will you grow to become a great leader?

  • Well managed organizations are the only obstacle of tyranny.
  • You don’t manage a network, you lead it.
  • We are moving from organizations well managed to networks well led.
  • True leadership only exists when people follow when they otherwise have the right to not follow.
    • As a leader you must know what must be done
    • It’s not about getting people to do what must be done but getting people to want to do what must be done
    • It’s not a science it’s an art
  • Most great leaders don’t start as a great leader but they grow into a great leader.

3: How can you re-frame failure as growth in pursuit of a BHAG?

  • “I am not failing, I’m growing” and that is the point of the climb

4: How can you succeed by helping others succeed?

  • At West Point everybody is failing at something
  • You are never alone
    • Service: to a cause or purpose that you are willing to sacrifice for
    • Success: communal success built into the culture, we only succeed by helping each other
    • Growth:

5: Have you found your personal hedgehog?

  • 3 Circles:
    • What you love doing
    • What you are encoded/made for
    • Your economic engine
  • What is more powerful, one computer 1,000 times more powerful than another computer or 1,000 computers in the hands of 1,000 creative people?
  • True creators stay in the game, even when you get a bad hand.
  • If you believe life comes down to a single hand you can lose really fast, but if you believe life is a series of hands you have a shot.
  • When you get decked, that’s when you need to stay in the game…you love to do it, you’re made to do it, you’re called to do it, so no matter what hand you get you stay in the game

6: Will you build your unit into a pocket of greatness?

  • Great CEO’s became great CEO’s by not focusing on their career but by focusing on building their unit into a pocket of greatness.
  • Be rigorous, not ruthless about your people decisions.
  • Instead of taking care of your career, take care of your people, and your people will take care of your career. Life is people.
  • When you’re suffering at the end of the race, you’re not running for yourself.

7: How will you change the lives of others?

  • The greatest leaders find a way to make a contribution and impact on other people’s lives
  • Life is people


Posted in Leadership


Leadership Summit 2015: Bill Hybels

If you missed the Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit this year, no worries I’ve got you covered. I’ll be posting my notes and thoughts from each presenter over the next couple of days.

If you’re unfamiliar with Leadership Summit, more than a quarter million leaders participated in this world-class experience designed to help leaders lead better and embrace a grander vision – the reason God called you to lead. The event was broadcast live in HD from Willow’s campus near Chicago to more than 375 sites in North America and later around the world.

Willow Creek Community Church Founder and Senior Pastor Bill Hybels opened the Summit addressing The 5 Intangibles of Leadership.  The following are leadership quotes and lessons from this incredible session.

  • Leadership is about moving people or an organization from here to there. From where it is to where it needs to go.
  • Leadership is not about protecting a position.
  • The highest value at the Leadership Summit is humility…
  • Armed with enough humility, leaders can learn from anyone

8 Basic functions of leadership

  1. Casting Vision
  2. Building Teams
  3. Motivating & Inspiring
  4. Solving Problems
  5. Change Management
  6. Establishing Core Values
  7. Allocating Resources
  8. Developing Emerging Leaders

5 Intangibles of Leadership

#1 Grit: Passion & Perseverance over the long haul…unrelenting long-term tenacity. Gritty people play hurt, expect progress to be difficult, but progress to be made. This is the key that unlocks the ability for less talented people to win. Those with more grit undoubtedly accomplish more in life than those who do not, regardless of talent.

  • Can grit be developed? Yes. But the archenemy of grit is ease. Grit development demands difficulty.
  • Overcoming physical challenges is one way to grow grit, and any area you develop grit in spills over to other areas of their lives.
  • Young leaders grow when volunteering for extra work assignments and then delivering and over delivering above expectations.
  • When Sr. Leaders push themselves hard teammates and followers notice and they begin to push themselves to the next level.
  • The whole organization gets grittier, and gritty organizations are unstoppable.

#2 Self Awareness: Who are you trying to impress? Without understanding the decisions and how they’re tethered to your past you destroy your future.

  • Under-performance is connected to leaders not being self aware.
  • Blind spots: stuff that leaders think they’re good at but everyone else knows that’s not true…they’re making a laughing stock of themselves.
  • Something someone believes they do well but everyone else on the team is aware of.
  • On average every leader has 3.4 blinds spots.
  • The danger is you really have no idea that they exist.
  • Everyone will win when you grow in self awareness.

#3 Resourcefulness: (learning agility), quick learners, tinkerers,

  • People with a high learning agility are promoted more than 20% more than others.
  • Resourceful people may not know the right answer but they stay at it until they figure it out.
  • Resourcefulness can be developed, but only by putting yourself in difficult situations and experimenting and trying to figure things out until you do.

#4 Self-Sacrificing Love: serve them, invest in them, pray for them by name, pull down the professional veil.

  • Vision & strategy are not at the core of leadership. It’s self-sacrificing love.
  • Love never fails.
  • Love is what melts teams into families instead of just work-groups.
  • We live in a day with narcissistic blood flowing through the veins of most leaders, trust in organizations is low, and at the root of it is a lack of love that must begin in the heart of the Sr. Leader.
  • Gallup measures what separates healthy organizations from toxic ones with one simple question: “Do workers feel personal concern coming from their managers?”
  • The quality of your “loving” sets the tone of the culture in your organization.

#5 Sense of Meaning:

  • Start with Why / Simon Sinek / What How Why
  • People want a “why” to come to work…a compelling reason to do what you do at your organization…what’s worth giving your life to?
  • What is your “white hot why?”

Posted in Leadership


10 Articles that will Help your Church Make Vision Real

Thank you for making July one of the best months ever here at Helping Churches Make Vision Real! It’s great staying connected with you through social media and hearing that these articles have been helpful. So, thank you for connecting with me through the content on this blog! You made these the top posts from this last month. If you missed out on any of them, here they are all in one place for your convenience!

5 Differences between a Multisite and a Church Plant

There are significant differences between church planting and going multisite. Here’s just a few…

10 Signs your Church is Headed for Decline

What if there were early warning signs (flashing lights on the dashboard) that helped indicate that trouble was ahead? In my experience Coaching Church Leaders and Consulting with Churches across the country I’ve seen the following 10 indicators of an impending decline over and over again.

10 Insider Focused Ministry Names

The language we choose to use is important because it both reflects and builds culture at the same time. And one of the most obvious ways to tell if a church is insider focused or outsider focused is the language that they choose to use. It either says that the church is “inclusive” or “exclusive.”

Why People don’t Volunteer at Church Anymore

I’ve never worked with a church that said they had enough volunteers to accomplish the vision that Jesus has given them. In fact here are some of the most common reasons why people may not be volunteering at your church:

New & Unique Locations to Church Plant

Zoning ordinances, school and hotel usage regulations, overpriced rents, local restrictions on religious organizations – new churches face numerous challenges in finding a place to meet. With God’s help and provision, Converge church planters take some creative approaches to resolve this problem. Here are a few…

Creating an Outsider Focused Culture in your Church

We are naturally self oriented as people so it’s no surprise that businesses, organizations, or even churches tend to be so as well.

Multisite Tools of the Trade

It’s not easy to have a high performing mobile team. The market has become flooded with mobile solutions but here are 9 that I’ve used that really work in a multisite setting.

Changing the Customer Service Mindset at your Church

“At Apple we don’t repair technology, we repair relationships.”

10 Ways to Change the “We’ve Always Done it That Way” Mindset

One of the most difficult things to navigate in a church is change. In fact if you lead long enough in a church you’ll eventually hear someone say, “But we’ve always done it that way.”

8 Reasons Why People don’t Volunteer at your Church

Plainly put, volunteering is discipleship. Understanding that, here are 8 reasons people aren’t volunteering in your church…and subsequently aren’t growing in their relationship with God.

Photo Credit: justin fain via Compfight cc

Posted in Leadership