Archive by Author


The 3 most important responsibilities of a leader and why you can’t meet them all

Should a leader be out in front charting the way forward? Should they be magnetic personalities who immediately change the temperature of the room they walk into? Should they be a great developer of others? Or do leaders simply get paid to make decisions? The truth is, there are three key responsibilities of leaders and unfortunately leaders are usually good at one of these…NOT all of them.


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Posted in Leadership


Resistance keeps you upright

After listening to the guide do their best to convince everyone in the raft that they were likely to drown on the way down the Royal Gorge this past week in Colorado, she finished her little speech by stating, “the best thing you can do to stay in the boat is paddle hard.” She explained that paddling creates resistance and keeps you upright. As you feel yourself falling out of the boat, paddling creates a strong base and helps keep you in the boat.

Leaders need resistance, without it we fall out of the boat. In fact here’s a list of the 5 deadliest things that can happen to leaders without resistance.

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Posted in Leadership


Why 20 Large Churches went, didn’t go, and still might go Multisite

In light of a recent game-changing announcement made at Sun Valley Community Church I thought I’d bring something back from the archives that deals head on with multi-site.

A few years ago I had the opportunity to sit in a room full of over 20 Executive Pastors. These incredible men serve at various large churches across America ranging in size from 750 to over 6,000 in weekend attendance. Of the many issues and subjects that were tackled through out the week, one that we ended up drilling down on for considerable time was the Multisite Church movement that’s grown legs over the last decade. What made the conversation so complex and layered was that the room was full of men who represented churches that took the multisite plunge years ago and had multiple campuses in operation, while some had just launched their second campus, others had made the decision to go multisite but had not pulled the trigger as of yet, while still others had not seriously considered the option. It was that dynamic that made for some incredible push towards sharpening, affirmation, and learning. So the list below is for you. It’s comprised of the top 6 reasons (in no particular order) that these churches decided to go Multisite. My hope is that this will give you a peek into a great conversation and allow you the opportunity to go to school on others.

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Posted in Leadership


a game-changing announcement at sun valley community church

In the beginning of 2011 Sun Valley Community Church worked through a teaching series called “Unstoppable.” In that series we discussed the fact that the Bible says the church is unstoppable. And that God, in His perfect wisdom, has commissioned people like you and me to take His perfect word to a lost, confused and misdirected world to give them hope, help and healing. The church is unstoppable. In that series there were three key areas addressed as vision was rolled out:

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Posted in Leadership


style worship

I intentionally titled this post “Style Worship” instead of “Worship Style.” It’s driven by a question I’ve been thinking about lately, “Are we as Church Leaders and Pastors teaching people to fall in love with the Church, or with Jesus?” I know, I know…maybe I’m splitting hairs…the Church is the Body of Christ, right? It’s impossible to love Jesus and not love His Body…or love His Body and not love Him, right? But with so many well meaning Christians who claim to love Jesus arguing over different expressions of the Church and which particular style is “right;” it drives me to think that maybe in the end we are worshiping a style or particular expression of the Church instead of the God of the Church. Here are a few questions that I hope drive some solid introspection and good conversations.

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Posted in Creative Arts, Leadership