20 Ways Church Leaders can Help their Church become more Generous

I’ve been around very few church leaders that didn’t wish their people would become more generous. But very few church leaders have defined a strategy to help their people take steps to become more generous. Fortunately last week I had a conversation with the Leadership Coaching Network that I lead about generosity and they came up with this great list of 20 ways church leaders can help their churches become more generous!

1. Preach about Money

Most pastors start to twitch when the idea of preaching about money comes up. But few things are more powerful than doing an annual teaching series or quarterly sermons where you help people biblically connect the dots between following Jesus and generosity.

2. Celebrate Wins & Connect them to Generosity

What you celebrate gets repeated. Help people understand that the life change that people who are far from Jesus are experiencing through the ministry of your church is directly connected to the generosity of the faithful followers of Jesus already at your church.

3. Be Prepared for a Significant Gift

If someone were to drop a 6 or 7 figure gift would you know what to do with it? Do you already have a strategy?

4. Make it Easy for People to Give

No one carries a checkbook anymore, so come up with simple modern methods for people to give to your church. For instance a reoccurring automatic online withdraw, stocks, property, bill pay, text to give, giving kiosk, and be prepared to help large donors consider tax implications.

5. Say Thank You

Pretty simple. You’d be surprised how few churches simply say thank you, not just from stage, but through a personal handwritten note.

6. Intentionally Set Up the Offering in the Worship Service

Don’t just receive an offering during your worship service. Take a moment to help people understand what is happening and what happens through their generosity.

7. Receive an Annual Missions Offering

Model generosity through receiving an annual generosity offering where 100% goes to a cause that is connected to the unique vision of your church.

8. Host a High Capacity Donor Dinner

Identify and invite high capacity donors to a dinner to say thank you and help them understand the vision that Jesus has given your church and their part in it.

9. 90 Day Giving Challenge

Challenge people to begin the spiritual habit of giving for 90 days…and get this…provide a 100% money back guarantee. Literally.

10. Tell people to Take Money Out of the Offering Plate

During the offering tell people that they can take loose cash out of the offering plate if they are in financial need.

11. 5th Sunday Benevolence Offering

When there is a 5th Sunday in a month take the lose cash from the offering and use it to meet the physical needs of people in the church.

12. Require Giving for Membership

Literally require people to give in order to become a member of your church…and yes that means checking to see if they give.

13. Model Generosity through Stories

Tell stories of people who have been generous and share the results and impact of their generosity.

14. 1st Time Giver Letters

Send a personal handwritten note to say thank you to people the first time people give to your church.

15. Send a Thank You to Generous Givers

Send a personal handwritten note to say thank you when people give a generous gift to the ministry of your church.

16. Send Out a Mid-Year Contribution Letter

Send a mid-year contribution letter to everyone who has given to-date to the ministry of the church, including wins and stories of life change.

17. Provide Financial Training

Help people learn how to handle their money through training opportunities like Financial Peace University.

18. Annual Commitment Cards

Each January encourage your church to fill out an annual commitment card indicating what they are planning to give this year.

19. Legacy Giving

Provide the opportunity for people to write your church into their will or living trust.

20. Provide a Creative Annual Report

Create a visually intriguing annual giving report and send it to every donor. Include stories, pictures, and info graphics that share wins and how money was spent this last year at your church.

Posted in Leadership, Spiritual Formation

One Response to “20 Ways Church Leaders can Help their Church become more Generous”

  1. DDL March 23, 2015 at 11:05 pm #

    In my estimation, this is one of your best posts this year! Thanks a whole lot for sharing Paul.

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