global leadership summit 2012: bill hybels opening session

Bill Hybels opened the Global Leadership Summit. Hybels is the founder and Senior Pastor of Willow Creek Community Church in South Barrington, IL. He also the founded The Global Leadership Summit, now in over 200 U.S. sites and over 260 cities worldwide including 85 countries.

  • Leaders build teams because we don’t know what were doing most of the time. We are typically hoping that someone else will make us look better than we really are (tongue & cheek)
  • Growth is valuable because everyone wins when a leader gets better
  • Growth takes humility you can’t learn from someone who you think you’re better than
  • I hate cats…Bill’s not a cat person
  • How many people in your community even know you’re there? With a 75% rejection rate of the gospel it means sowing more seeds (Luke 8)
  • Whether you like it or not your whole organization takes its seed sowing queue’s from you
  • Leaders must stay, curious, courageous, and experimental
  • Entropy will not occur on our watch
  • We must insist on nonstop experiments that force learning and sow more seeds
  • We must become indecent tinkerers
  • You are the most difficult person you will ever lead
  • The leaders greatest asset isn’t time but their energizing capabilities: to energize other leaders, new ideas, the organization they lead, and themselves
  • Deliberately disregard second tier activities
  • God didn’t make you a leader to respond to stuff all day god made you a leader to move stuff ahead
  • Figure out the top things that need to be done and then energize them
  • Succession planning should not be rushed
  • Phases of Succession planning: phase one: every idea needs to be surfaced, who makes what decision, time frame, honor the pastor leaving…lots of questions need to be surfaced and answered / phase two: try and find an internal person who can succeed, if you can’t do it then go outside / phase three: the last phase is the actual transition…18 months transition of responsibilities
  • The whole world is going to have a front row seat to succession of leaders the next few years
  • Sr. Pastors don’t hang on too long, do the right thing for your church, set your church up to be led well after you leave, set the next leaders up to succeed.
  • When is the vision the most vulnerable: it’s in the middle…not the beginning because it’s exciting, not the end because you see the finish line, it’s in the middle because you can’t see either
  • What a privilege it is to be a leader…when was the last time you thanked God that he has put you in a position to lead


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