Can A Prayer App Change Your Church? We Think So!

This is a guest post from the guys over at InviteToPray, one of my ministry partners. I’m very particular about who I choose to partner with in ministry, because my name is on the line. But these guys make it easy, and I absolutely believe in what they’re doing and I’m thrilled to be able to introduce my readers to this incredible ministry resource. – Paul

What happens when, as a Christian, you become tired of the mundane, tired of the ordinary, tired of being lukewarm?  What happens, when as a Christian, you are no different than an unbeliever? Can others really see the fruit of Christian living? (Wearing Christian t-shirts doesn’t count.)

For me, I asked God one morning, “God, is this it!?!?! Because if this is it, then I don’t want it.”  That is a bold prayer.  I can tell you from experience, that when you really put it on the line to either be “all in” for Jesus or throw in the towel, God will reveal Himself and your life will never be the same again. I began praying this prayer and soon found out my friend Tyler Pettis was praying the very same thing. That sparked a partnership that has turned into a mission to change the world.

Are You Missing Out On A Massive Opportunity?

Tyler and I both have huge hearts for seeing the Church reach more people.  It’s very clear to us that the Church isn’t capitalizing on the MASSIVE opportunities that social media offers.

Over the course of 2 1/2 years and much time seeking God’s wisdom, we developed a cutting-edge technology to allow the Church greater reach through social media. Today we are excited to share with you our first web app: InviteToPray.

InviteToPray makes it incredibly quick and easy to invite others to pray and share prayer requests, all in a centralized location.  Instead of doing another “me-too” Christian-ized version of a social network that springs up one day and dies the next, we built this into the largest social network on the planet: Facebook.

With InviteToPray, prayer requests are made social by sharing them within your existing social circles. With the click of a button, a prayer request can be as public, OR as private as you desire.

Many times, life can be so fast that we forget what we’ve prayed for. InviteToPray acts as an interactive prayer journal, a tool, that helps you grow in faith as you watch God answer your prayers.  Prayers are kept on secure servers where privacy is strictly enforced.

Miracles Already Happening

We’ve seen God answer prayers in miraculous ways with InviteToPray Users. To date, we have seen people completely healed of…

  • Broken neck, crushed skull, multiple organ failures
  • Uncontrollable Internal Bleeding
  • Failing Kidneys
  • Failing Heart
  • Coma
  • Broken Back
  • Blind in one eye
  • No scars for burn victim
  • 3 strokes- no side effects
  • Liver cancer
  • Another failing kidney
  • Cardiac arrest in 4 yr old boy
  • Seizures

Join The Movement

We ask for those of you filled with the Holy Spirit, those of you who are prayer warriors, those who are hungry for something more from God, those who want to build their faith, those who want to pray boldly in Jesus name for miracles all over the world, those who are unashamed of God and his glory and who are ready to make a difference and change the world… if this is you, we ask you to join InviteToPray to spark an online prayer movement that spreads across the globe:


For Church Pastors and Leaders

Tyler and I are holding an upcoming webinar to show you how InviteToPray works and how it can help transform YOUR church into a PRAYING church. We’ll dig into some of the behind-the-scenes killer features built specifically for Pastors! This tool will give you deep insight into your people and your community.  We’ll also show you how you can use InviteToPray to reach the influencers in your city with an exciting never-before-seen opportunity for churches.

To register for the next webinar, click on this link: www.invitetopray.com/webinar



Tom Osypian is an entrepreneur and digital strategist with more than a decade of experience working with churches and ministries. He and Tyler Pettis are on a mission to empower churches to more effectively reach people online. Connect with Tom or Tyler and follow InviteToPray on Facebook and Twitter.




Posted in Spiritual Formation

2 Responses to “Can A Prayer App Change Your Church? We Think So!”

  1. Diane August 8, 2012 at 9:37 am #

    Great post Tom..I’m excited to use this app!!

  2. john wood August 8, 2012 at 5:12 pm #

    Thanks for the prayer app Paul. I signed up for the webinar.

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