Leadership Summit 2015: Liz Wiseman

If you missed the Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit this year, no worries I’ve got you covered. I’ll be posting my notes and thoughts from each presenter over the next couple of days.

Liz Wiseman, the President of the Wiseman Group and best-selling author gave a talk based on her new book: Rookie Smarts – Why Learning Beats Knowing in the New Game of Work.

Using Rookie Smarts

  • It’s not what you know, it’s how fast you can learn.
  • Is it possible that we are at our best when we are new, naive and are rookies?
  • Why do a job you’re qualified to do – there would be nothing new to learn.
  • Knowledge leads to assumptions
  • Sometimes we see what we expect to see
  • Inexperience leads to rookie mistakes
  • Rookies don’t know that something is hard so they just try
  • Rookies don’t bring new ideas, they bring questions…they ask “Why?”
  • Rookies take baby steps looking for affirmation along the way
  • Rookies operate fast because they’re desperate
  • When you lack resources you tend to get resourceful
  • When challenge goes up satisfaction goes up / when challenge is low satisfaction is low

Warning Signs of a Comfortable Team (on the verge of a organizational plateau) & what to do about it

  1. Things are running smoothly: throw away your notes
  2. You have the answers: ask the questions
  3. You get positive feedback: admit what you don’t know
  4. You’ve become the mentor: let someone else lead
  5. Your busy but bored: disqualify yourself
  • When you linger too long on a plateau you begin to die
  • If you want your team to move forward then lead them into the unknown

Posted in Leadership

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