Leadership Summit 2016: Horst Schulze

CEO of the Capella Hotel Group and the Founding President of the Ritz Carlton, Horst Schulze was back at Leadership Summit talking about putting the customer first.

  • There is confusion about the difference between leadership and management
  • To be successful in business you have to be more sufficient to the market you serve than your competition, but to do that you have to know what your customer wants. You also have to be more efficient than your competition.
  • The Customer wants:
    1. No defect in the product
    2. Timely delivery
    3. To be treated well
  • It doesn’t matter what kind of store or product you have, if you deliver great hospitality you will win, because you are showing people that they matter.
  • This is accomplished by great leaders who have great management skills
  • Mass production led to the rise of management skills
  • Managers think…employees do
  • Management should manage process and products
  • Leadership cares and involves people
  • Leadership align people and take people to a destination
  • Don’t hire people for functions, hire them to be a part of thought, a purpose, or a dream and they have to know what that is on the first day.
  • Human beings cannot relate to orders and directions they relate to motive and objectives
  • Giving people more than they want isn’t efficient
  • There are 56,000 mistakes in 1 mill transactions of the average business
  • Efficiency is not cutting costs. Efficiency is cutting unnecessary work.
  • Removing defects is the greatest opportunity for efficiency

Posted in Leadership

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