Leadership Summit 2016: Wilfredo De Jesus

Wilfredo De Jesus, who serves as the Senior Pastor at New Life Covenant Church wrapped up Leadership Summit this year with a spiritual challenge.

  • A leader who stops learning, stops leading
  • No one drifts upstream or towards holiness
  • It takes effort and determination
  • A map offers many routes to get to the same place but a compass doesn’t give alternate directions

How people respond to a cultural drift:

  1. Accommodate it: embrace it and go along with it. // lose truth
  2. Oppose it: they’re afraid that their way of life will be taken away and only listen to people who reinforce their ideas and fuel their anger. // lose their sense of grace
  3. Withdrawal from it: They think they are powerless to affect change and the issues are too complicated and so they shrink back from the culture. // lose their opportunity to represent Jesus
  4. Engage it: too many Christians value their position on issues rather than God’s command to walk in love

So what do we do about it?

  1. Know who we are: define ourselves the way Jesus defines us
  2. Watch the undercurrent: anything that goes opposite to the word of God
  3. Keep coming back: we need to keep making mid course corrections to stay on course. Making corrections are good and necessary to stay on track.
  • A person who never repents is a person who thinks they can never be wrong. Repentance requires humility.
  • A scared world needs a fearless church

Posted in Leadership

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