Why Shared Leadership is Better Leadership

Leadership is a gift that is meant to be shared. It’s how leadership is both best developed and best exercised. Shared leadership is not for everyone though. It requires a tremendous amount of personal security and deep levels of trust at the highest levels of the organization. But if you can master shared leadership then you’ll move at a pace you never thought was possible.

1. Shared Leadership Attracts Better Leaders

Leaders are attracted to leadership opportunities, organizations in which they’ll be able to exercise their God-given gift. When you’re willing to share real leadership decisions and influence with others all of the sudden your ability to attract top talent to your team goes up dramatically.

2. Shared Leadership Keeps Better Leaders

Keeping leaders in today’s economy is tough. Especially when young up and coming leaders want more influence and more responsibility. Well, why not give it to them? Figure out what only you can do and do that. Then give the rest away. The more leadership you’re able to share the longer you’ll keep other leaders at the table and by the way you’ll end up keeping more leaders at the table as well.

3. Shared Leadership Generates Better Decisions

The team truly does outperform the individual every time. In a shared leadership model you afford yourself the luxury to not have to shoulder the burden of being the best at everything…and let’s face it, we all know you’re not the best at everything…so stop pretending. In a shared leadership model you get to lead in your area of brilliance and submit in areas of weakness and allow others to shine. Sounds kinda Biblical doesn’t it?

Photo Credit: C!… via Compfight cc

Posted in Leadership

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