Tag Archive - patrick lencioni


Leadership Summit 2016: Patrick Lencioni

Leadership Summit favorite, Bestselling Author and Founder of the Table Group, Patrick Lencioni, gave a great talk presenting new content about what to look for and how to be an ideal team player.

The Ideal Team Player

#1 Humble

  • More interested in others than yourself
  • Lacking self-confidence is a violation of humility
  • The recognition of that which is true
  • Humility isn’t thinking less of yourself it’s thinking of yourself less
  • Pride is the root of all evil and humility is the antidote to pride

#2 Hungry

#3 Smart

  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Common sense around people
  • If you’re intelligent but don’t treat people well you’re not smart

It’s easy to identify the following 3 kinds of people and weed them out:

  • The Pawn = Humble but not hungry or smart
    • Not effective on a team
    • They need our prayers but probably don’t need to be invited to be on our teams
  • The Bulldozer = Hungry but not humble or smart
    • Leave a trail of dead bodies behind
  • The Charmer = Smart but not humble or hungry

If a person has 2 of these it can create serious problems in the organization:

  • Accidental Mess-Maker = Humble & Hungry
    • They care about people and want to get things done
    • They ruffle people’s feathers but their intentions are good
    • Not smart about how they deal with people
  • Lovable Slacker = Humble and smart
    • They are lovable and usually do just enough work to stay around but don’t help the team and don’t go above and beyond
    • You like them but they don’t perform
  • Skillful Politician = Smart and really driven but not humble
    • This one is the most dangerous
    • They know how to make themselves look humble
    • Charming and driven but not humble
  • How to help your team get better at this:
    • Help people be honest about what they’re good at and what they’re not good at
    • Develop your people – you have to have the courage as leaders to consistently hold people accountable and then people will either get better or they’ll leave on their own. You’re not doing anyone a favor by not calling them on their stuff.
  • Hire the right people:
    • Change the hiring process a little bit – we over emphasize technical skills and abilities
    • Behavior always rises to the top
    • Get people out of the office to see them in the real world and see how they deal with real human beings
    • Ask people questions more than 1 time
    • A big part of humility is forgiveness…can you ask for forgiveness, give and receive forgiveness?
    • Stop doing silo interviews…a bunch of people interview them together
    • Scare people with sincerity: “we’re fanatical about humility, hungry, and people smarts…we’re so serious about it that if you’re not, you’re not going to like working here and we’re not going to like working with you.”
  • People who are workaholics are missing something in their heart and trying to find their identity in their work

Posted in Leadership


The Best of Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit Pt-2

In the past I’ve regularly taken a large team to the annual Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit, this year was a little different. Thankfully the Global Leadership Summit is available digitally even after the live event! We previewed the talks and selected the best two from this years event to share with our team.

The first talk was from Patrick Lencioni bestselling author, Founder and President, The Table Group.

The Most Dangerous Mistakes a Leader Makes

#1 Becoming a Leader for the wrong reason

  • Fame, money, power, etc.
  • Why should someone want to become a leader? Because they want to sacrifice themselves for others even when they may not get anything in return.
  • There is no other kind of leadership other than servant leadership
  • If it’s not servant leadership then it’s just economics and measuring a Return on Investment

#2 Failing to Embrace Vulnerability

  • Destroys trust with the people that they lead
  • You can’t be too vulnerable as a leader
  • People have a right to expect you to be competent but they don’t expect you to be perfect
  • Vulnerable leaders are genuine, apologize, don’t cover up for themselves, and lean into others are better than themselves in particular areas

#3 Making Leadership too Important

  • Most of the time we’re thinking about leadership…we’re thinking about work
  • Our identity can get wrapped up in being a leader instead of other more important things like being a child of God, spouse, or parent
  • Are the people (family) who are our primary vocation getting ignored because our jobs and employees are more important than them?

Pride is what all 3 of these things have in common

  • When Jesus introduced humility as a virtue to society he perfected leadership.

Posted in Leadership


Top Posts of 2013 #2: “Why Nice People Kill Churches”

This post checks in at  #2 in 2013. The post went viral, being re-posted on multiple sites…not just due to the title, but the leadership concept it addresses.

For the last 12 years I’ve had the incredible opportunity to serve on the Sr. Leadership Teams of some of the nations fastest growing and leading churches. Over that time I’ve observed time and time again one of the most destructive inclinations to church growth and the advancement of the Gospel is the simple fact that people on staff at most churches are simply too nice to each other.

5 Ways Nice People Hurt the Mission of the Church

1. Nice people have a tendency to hire people that they like rather than people who are going to advance the mission of the church. In other words it’s okay to lose as long as you’re losing with friends.

2. Nice people avoid conflict and by so doing don’t mine the best ideas out of their teams.

3. Nice people keep people on their teams well after the work has surpassed their capacity. This not only slows the mission but it exposes the weaknesses of and hurts the very person they’re trying to protect.

4. Nice people don’t confront the brutal facts and as a result “hallway conversations” take place and a lack of unity begins to undermine the mission.

5. Nice people sacrifice the flock for the sake of one sheep. This happens every time you let that one person sing who has no business singing (if you’ve been around church-world for any length of time you know exactly what I’m talking about).

Let me be clear, what I’m not saying is that the staff at your church shouldn’t be nice to each other. But when being nice begins to trump being honest because you don’t want to experience the discomfort of a difficult conversation, that’s not nice…that’s selfish. And when that begins to happen everybody loses.

In his new book “The Advantage” Patrick Lencioni says it this way, “Firing someone is not necessarily a sign of accountability, but is often the last act of cowardice for a leader who  doesn’t know how or isn’t willing to hold people accountable.” 

There’s a strong principle and clear message in there that many church leaders need to take some time and wrestle to the ground.

Posted in Leadership


Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit 2013

If you missed the 2013 Global Leadership Summit, then you missed some great content, great speakers, and incredible ideas that have the potential to shift your thinking when it comes to leadership. This really was one of the best Leadership Summits I can remember. But no worries! Now you’ve got all the notes to every session right here at your fingertips for free! Hope you enjoy!

1. Bill Hybels

Willow Creek Community Church Founder and Senior Pastor Bill Hybels opened the Summit addressing the courage that leadership requires.

2. Colin Powell

One of the United States greatest leaders in recent history, General Colin Powell, gave a talk based on his recent book “It Worked for Me, in Life and Leadership.”

3. Patrick Lencioni

Patrick Lencioni, is the founder and president of The Table Group and author of 10 best selling books. He gave an incredible talk about “The 3 Signs of a Miserable Job”!

4. Liz Wiseman

Liz Wiseman is the President of the Wiseman Group, a Silicon Valley leadership development firm. She is a former executive at Oracle Corporation, a Fortune 100 company. She is also a Wall Street Journal Best-selling Author. She gave a talk based on her book Multipliers.

5. Chris Brown

Chris Brown serves as one of four Lead Pastors at North Coast Community Church in Southern California. Without question this was one of the best and most challenging talks for Church Leaders this year!

6. Bob Goff

Founder and CEO of Restore International, Attorney, and Author of the incredible book Love Does. In his unique style Bob talked about how love takes action.

7. Mark Burnett

It was incredible to sit and listen to Bill Hybles have a conversation with Mark Burnett, four-time Emmy Award Winner and Executive Producer of Survivor, The Voice and The Bible among other shows.

8. Joseph Grenny

Joseph Grenny is the Co-Founder of VitalSmarts and best-selling author. He spoke on mastering the skill of influence, the topic of his book: Influencer: The New Science of Leading Change.

9.Vijay Govindarajan

Vijay Govindarajan was interviewed by Jim Mellado about getting innovation right. Vijay is ranked #3 on Thinkers 50 and was named one of the Top 10 Business School Professors in the world by Business Week.

10. Dr. Brene Brown

Dr. Brene Brown, Research Professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work did an incredible job speaking about the vulnerability of a leader. Dr. Brown is a groundbreaking researcher into the topics of shame, worthiness, and courage. Check out her book Daring Greatly.

11.Oscar Muriu

Oscar Muriu who serves as the Senior Pastor at Nairobi Chapel in Kenya gave an inspiring talk about multiplying your impact exponentially. Under Oscar’s leadership Nairobi Chapel has grown from a 40 person local church to a network of 30 churches with more than 14,000 in weekly attendance!

12. Dr. Henry Cloud

Leadership expert, clinical psychologist, and best selling author Dr. Henry Cloud spoke on “Reversing the Death Spiral of a Leader.”

13. Andy Stanley

The closing session of the 2013 Willow Creek Global Leadership Summit was entrusted to Andy Stanley of North Point Ministries, and he delivered!

Posted in Leadership


Global Leadership Summit 2013: Patrick Lencioni

As always Patrick Lencioni delivered! He is consistently one of my favorite speakers on leadership. This year he spoke on ‘How to Lose Your Best People.” You can follow this link to get a copy of  “The Three Signs of a Miserable Job,” his book that this talk was based on.

  • Leaders are CRO’s Chief Reminder Officer.
  • People need to be reminded more than they need to be instructed.
  • Studies show that people don’t leave their job based on what kind of job it is. It’s not about a good job or a bad job.
  • People leave their jobs because they’re miserable.
  • 3 things that cause job misery
    • #1 Anonymity: the people that we worked for didn’t know us and didn’t have an interest in getting to know us. People hate their jobs when their bosses don’t know anything about them…because they don’t feel like anyone cares about them. It’s your job as a leader to get to know your people and care about your people. Nobody wants to be anonymous. Good people don’t leave jobs where they’re known. Really good people want to work at a place where they’re known.
      • Sometimes we don’t do it because we’re busy
      • Sometimes we don’t do it because we’re embarrassed (because we haven’t done it before)
      • If you aren’t interested in people that’s fine, just get a job as an individual contributor you shouldn’t be managing or leading people.
      • If you’re in a job where you’re not getting this from your boss, give it to them, lead up, they’re probably not getting it from their boss.
  • #2 Irrelevance: If you don’t think that your job matters to someone you cannot love your work. You’ve got to remind them because they forget. If their job truly doesn’t matter then reorganize the job.
  • #3 Immeasurement: Everyone wants to be able to assess if they’re doing a good job. If they don’t know if they’re doing a good job they’ll eventually leave. There’s a higher job satisfaction among sales people because they know if they’re winning. People want to know if they’re winning:
    • When we give others the ability to measure their performance we lose the power/control
  • Money is a satisfier these 3 things are motivators

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