3 Shifts for Healthy & Growing Churches in 2017

Is the church you’re leading everything you once dreamed it would be? Every week at The Unstuck Group, we hear from pastors who are disappointed with their church’s current state. It’s not that they haven’t made an incredible impact! But they recognize a need to refocus.

Every church has a compelling purpose, even if it’s been lost, derailed or delayed.

God calls ordinary leaders to spark significant change in His kingdom. The Bible is literally littered with stories of every day people who God used to lead this incredible movement of change called the Church. I believe that God has placed you in the leadership seat you’re in at your church to help it become everything God has dreamed up for it to be. So let me ask…

What are the significant changes you’ve been considering for 2017? The team at The Unstuck Group asked that question to several hundred church leaders a few weeks ago, and three important shifts came up most frequently in their responses:

  1. Rallying Around a New Vision
  2. Reorganizing the Leadership Structure
  3. Simplifying the Discipleship Pathway

We agree those are important shifts. In fact, they’re some of the most common changes our team helps churches make, and we’d love to help you make them as well.

So, we’re hosting a webinar to help you make these shifts in 2017!

Join Tony Morgan, Carey Nieuwhof, Gabe Kolstad and myself on Monday, Jan. 23 at 1pm EST for the free webinar:

“Leading Change: 3 Shifts for Healthy and Growing Churches in 2017”

We’re going to be unpacking the stories of change at some great churches and sharing key steps to help you make make those 3 big shifts around vision, leadership, and your discipleship pathway. You’ll walk away with the insight you need to lead your church forward.

Space is limited, so follow this link to register now and save your spot!

Posted in Leadership, Spiritual Formation, Staffing, Testimonial

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